Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Bebas dari Virus Flu dalam 24 Jam

VIVAnews – Virus flu sangat mudah menyebar, apalagi di saat cuaca sedang tidak menentu. Ketika flu menyerang tubuh, tentunya bisa mengganggu aktivitas Anda. Bersin-bersin, tubuh lemas, mata berair, dan terkadang badan menggigil membuat Anda hanya bisa terkulai lemah di tempat tidur.
Ingin segera sembuh dari penyakit ini? Ada caranya agar Anda bisa meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh dan terbebas dari virus flu. Ikuti langkah-langkahnya, seperti dikutip dari The Sun.
Setelah bangun tidur dan merasa tubuh tidak fit, sebaiknya jangan lewatkan sarapan. Makan pagi sangat sangat penting untuk bahan bakar tubuh, terutama ketika daya tahan tubuh merosot.
Peneliti Belanda menyatakan, sarapan akan meningkatkan kadar gamma interferon dalam darah yang bertindak sebagai antivirus alami. Jadi, jangan melewatkan sarapan. Makanlah yang hangat-hangat, seperti bubur atau sup.
Lawan virus dengan kesibukan
Stres berkepanjangan memang bisa membuat Anda sakit, karena sistem kekebalan tubuh melemah. Tapi, Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk melawan flu. Caranya, carilah kesibukan. Hal ini bisa mengurangi gejala flu yang datang. Demikian diungkapkan Professor Jim Horne, ahli dari Universitas Loughborough.
Olahraga ringan
Peneliti dari University of Massachusetts menemukan, orang yang melakukan aktivitas fisik ringan tidak mudah terkena infeksi pernapasan atas, dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tidak banyak bergerak. Para peneliti percaya bahwa olahraga ringan akan mampu memperkuat fungsi kekebalan tubuh karena produksi sel darah putih meningkat.
Jika berolahraga, Anda akan melihat dua manfaat, kata Charles Matthews (salah satu peneliti). Satu, Anda tidak mudah terserang flu. Dua, seandainya Anda terserang flu, biasanya akan cepat sembuh. Anda bisa melakukan meditasi atau senam pernapasan agar tubuh lebih fit.
Konsumsi makanan tinggi protein
Menurut ahli, menyantap makanan tinggi protein selain membuat Anda kenyang lebih lama, juga baik untuk daya tahan tubuh. Ahli gizi, Dr Sarah Schenker, mengatakan protein diperlukan untuk mendorong sistem kekebalan tubuh.
Minum teh hijau
Buatlah minuman teh hijau hangat di sore hari, ini akan membuat tubuh hangat. Menurut peneliti Kanada teh hijau bisa mendorong tubuh melawan perkembangan virus. Dalam teh hijau, ditemukan suatu senyawa kimia yang dapat menghentikan aktivitas replikasi atau penggandaan virus.
Hangatkan diri
Kenakan pakaian hangat. Hal ini bisa membantu Anda melawan flu. Gunakan pakaian yang lebih longgar agar peredaran darah Anda tetap lancar.
Istirahat cukup
Sehari, idealnya tidur dilakukan sekitar delapan jam. Menurut riset, kekurangan istirahat, akan memerosotkan sistem kekebalan tubuh sampai 50 persen. Jadi, agar tubuh kembali sehat di keesokan harinya, usahakan tidur cukup di malam hari. (pet)

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Emma Watson is the new face of Burberry

Emma Watson is looking grown and sophisticated as the new face of Burberry. Emma has shed the image of Hermione Jean Granger from the Harry Potter films that we have become accustomed to.
She will be featured in Burberry’s Fall/Winter ’09 campaign. Donning a classic trench and windswept hair the 19-year-old starlet poses with equally sophisticated male models.
Christopher Bailey (the creative director of Burberry) in a press release said, “Having known Emma both personally and professionally for quite some time, I felt very strongly that she would be perfect and strong enough to hold the whole campaign as the only girl and I loved the idea of Emma being surrounded by these young, cool British guys”.
The Daily Mail is reporting that more risqué images were requested for a photo shoot for W magazine, however Harry Potter producers objected to that plan and the photo shoot was canceled.
Photographer Mario Testino who famously photographed Princess Diana with her sons shot the Burberry campaign and in my opinion captured the quintessential Burberry look while giving it updated and modern appeal.


Hi J-14ers!
Hogwarts' moving staircases, Yule Balls, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans... all that fun of the Harry Potter movies has apparated from the seventh film and been replaced by Horcruxes, Dementors, and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named's minions lurking around every corner.
Yes, there's no doubt that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is the darkest and scariest HP movie yet. But dare I say it just might also be the best movie in the series yet? Sure, I said that last time around too with Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but what can I say? Each movie keeps topping the next! I was lucky enough to catch an early screening on Wednesday in IMAX -- and let's just say bigger is definitely better when it comes to Harry Potter!
In this first part of the final movie of the Harry Potter series, Harry, Ron, and Hermione don't even have the luxury of running through brick walls to hop on the Hogwarts Express back to school. Voldemort's army has taken over the entire wizarding world and they've got one goal in mind: Destroy Harry Potter.
But Harry's goal isn't just to protect himself -- he wants to protect the entire world from evil. After all, he knows first-hand how heartless Voldemort is -- since he killed Harry's parents when he was just a baby.
When an attack comes during what should be a joyous celebration of Ron's brother Bill and Fleur Delacour's wedding, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are forced to start their journey to destroy the remaining Horcruxes, whether they like it or not. Not only does this epic mission put Harry's strength and determination to the test -- but it also challenges his friendship between his two closest friends, Ron and Hermione.
But it wouldn't be a true Harry Potter movie without some light-hearted fun as well.
Here are a few of the highlights:
1- Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley's kiss that's interrupted by her older brother's knowing glance.
2- Harry caught in a bra after being replicated by Polyjuice Potion by Fleur Delacour!
3- Harry and Hermione's sweet dance in the tent. Awww!
4- Ron correcting Hermione with she's reading The Tale of the Three Brothers and saying that it should be "midnight" instead of "twilight" at the beginning (Hmmm... coincidence or Twilight dig? ;) Nah, I checked... it's in the book.)
5- Hermione putting herself in check after realizing that Harry won't get the 17th birthday cake she and Ginny were planning. "Perspective," she says aloud.
With just the right amount of fun mixed into the life-or-death mission Harry's set out upon, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is the perfect movie for Potter-lovers and non-Potter-lovers alike.
Have you seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1? What did you think of it?
Mugglely Yours,
Ra-"Cho Chang" (heehee!)
J-14 Editor-in-Chief